The rising number of incidences across the globe of Covid-19 infections mean that we, along with lots of other organisations, are preparing for how we continue to operate as normally as possible, through an expected period of uncertainty and in the event that we need to adopt remote working practices.
The health of our staff, clients, and community is vitally important and we are taking measures to keep people safe whilst continuing to maintain service during the Covid-19 outbreak.
Business travel. In line with many other organisations we have said that our staff should stop any non-essential travel until further notice. This is to keep our people safe and ensure that we reduce the chances of individuals needing to be held in isolation away from home or self-isolate on their return.
Working from home. Many of our staff work remotely on a regular basis and are familiar with the practicalities of working from home. We are currently adopting working from home arrangements on a wider basis and we are confident that our technology and best practice ensure a consistently high level of client service. All our staff can securely connect to our network remotely ensuring that business can continue as much as possible during any period of remote working with minimal impact on client service and we have recently been trialing ID verification by smartphone resulting in fewer clients needing to attend our offices.
Meetings. We have asked our staff to try to attend meetings remotely via telephone or video conference where possible (and we expect that many of our clients will be taking a similar approach) but we recognise that it isn’t always the case, and will discuss with our clients what can be done.
The Woodford Wise team thank our clients for their continued custom. We all have a responsibility to protect each other from the virus and while most people would be only mildly affected, we must act to protect those who may more severely affected. We will continue to follow Government and NHS guidance and update our policy as required. Click here to read more information from the World Health Organisation.